Buy a ticket to 'Okeanos' and get admission to the Aquarium of the Bay Free

BUY TICKETS HERE for Okeanos Intimate
Saturdays August 10 - September 28 at 7PM
The Bay Theater at the Aquarium of the Bay, San Francisco, CA
It took us a while, but yes, we finally were awarded a San Francisco Arts Commission Grant. It is for our new work which will premiere next year. Stay tuned!
"We view this grant as an investment in your creative partnerships and we trust that your project will have the impact on your communities that you envision."
"She is an accomplished young soul, who is not afraid of embracing new technologies, and who is always on the lookout for innovative means of expression. Her talk closed with a treat: a sneak peek at Ogrydziak’s latest collaborative composition with CAPACITOR: FLOCK, which is based on the flocking behavior of birds."
Capacitor receives National Endowment for the Arts grant to support Okeanos!
San Francisco— National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) Acting Chairman Joan Shigekawa announced recently that Capacitor is one of 817 nonprofit organizations nationwide to receive an NEA Art Works grant. Capacitor is recommended for a $10,000 grant to support a series of shows of Okeanos at the Aquarium of the Bay in San Francisco.
Capacitor is bringing its ocean-sensory immersion, Okeanos, to Pier 39's Bay Theater in the Aquarium of the Bay on Saturdays running from August 10th through September 28th at 7pm. The 60-minute show will have introductions each night by ocean advocates.
Acting Chairman Shigekawa said, "The National Endowment for the Arts is proud to support these exciting and diverse arts projects that will take place throughout the United States. Whether it is through a focus on education, engagement, or innovation, these projects all contribute to vibrant communities and memorable opportunities for the public to engage with the arts."
Artistic Director Jodi Lomask said, "Capacitor is happy to broaden its reach by establishing a rhythm of shows on Pier 39. We want more San Franciscans to enjoy the Aquarium of the Bay and we want more tourists to feel a personal connection to the ocean and its health. This is what we can offer through human form, expression, and curiosity."
In August 2012, the NEA received 1,547 eligible applications for Art Works grants requesting more than $80 million in funding. Art Works grants support the creation of art that meets the highest standards of excellence, public engagement with diverse and excellent art, lifelong learning in the arts, and the strengthening of communities through the arts. The 817 recommended NEA grants total $26.3 million and span 13 artistic disciplines and fields. Applications were reviewed by panels of outside experts convened by NEA staff and each project was judged on its artistic excellence and artistic merit.
For a complete listing of projects recommended for Art Works grant support, please visit the NEA website at